
Appwrite Setup

We will be using Appwrite as our backend.

Environment Variables

In the environment variables, we will using couple of variables that are required to setup Appwrite.

APPWRITE_DATABASE_ID=<your-database-id> (follow the next section to setup the database)

You will find the api routes in the src/app/api folder.

Database setup

Appwrite has a no-sql database that we will be using to store the data. Create a database in Appwrite and add the database id to the environment variables.


In the database you have to create three collections:

  • teams
  • team_members
  • invitations

In the teams collection you have to create the following attributes:

  • name: <string>
  • created_by: <string>
  • avatar: <string or null>

In the team_members collection you have to create the following attributes:

  • member_user_id: <string>
  • team_id: <string>
  • role: <string or null>
  • invited_at: <datetime>

In the invitations collection you have to create the following attributes:

  • invitee_email: <email>
  • team_id: <string>
  • role: <string>
  • status: <string>
  • invitation_id: <string>

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