
Tech Stack


We use Next.js for the frontend and its route handlers for the API.


Appwrite is a versatile and user-friendly backend server for web and mobile developers. It offers a variety of tools and features, such as user authentication, database management, and file storage, making backend development a breeze. With comprehensive documentation and a supportive community, Appwrite is the perfect solution for all your backend needs.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that makes styling your web applications a breeze. With its easy-to-use classes and rapid development workflow, Tailwind CSS allows you to create stunning designs without writing custom CSS. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Tailwind CSS's comprehensive documentation and active community make it easy to get started and build beautiful, responsive interfaces in no time.


Shadcn UI is a feature-rich UI framework for creating sleek and responsive web interfaces. With comprehensive documentation and community support, it's perfect for building visually appealing applications.

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